About Us

East Titan Electronic is an independent distributor of electronic components. With many years’ experience in component supply chain, we distribute components from over 300 leading manufacturersover 1500 franchised and top tier distributors worldwide. Only original and brand new parts, with a quality warranty 90days to 1 year

Why Us

During all these years, we work closely with numerous customers striving for cost down with authentic products and wholehearted service, help them to the improve supply chain efficiency and production safety. Try once, you will know. We see Quality as our fundamental and career. Please click Quality Control Methods to know more details about our Quality Commitment.

What We Do

Sourcing and distributing components, big volume or small qty; Excess Inventory Management; Stock based on production forecast; Counterfeit Avoidance Service; A whole set of components testing be implemented in house and collaborative certified lab; Customerized Service like tape&reel, vacuum/sealed packing etc.

Current Promotion

  • TPS27081ADDCR

  • Whole series of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

  • SHARP sensor GP1S39

  • JST Connector 

  • NXP Switch 74LVCV2G66

  • Toshiba LED TLYH1100B

  • NEC Amplifier NE3503M04-T2

  • SHARP Sensor IS485

  • OMRON Switch B3F-1000

  • FSC Sensor QSE158

  • Vishay Receiver Module series TSOP22/31/34/6238TR

  • ROHM DIODE RB520S-30

  • Toshiba IC ULN2803AFWG

  • ON Transistor MSD601-RT1G

  • Samsung Memory series S524A60X81

  • ROHM LED SML-010 Series

  • MOLEX Connector 548190519

  • MAXIM Converter  MAX1190ECM+D   

  • TI IC BQ24308DSGR